Year 2020

Family Stories – Early Death?

In genealogy circles, family stories are highly suspect. Some are outright lies. Others are just wishful thinking.  But some events started the story, so it is worth investigating every story to see what is behind the story. Where Did the…

My CRPS Grief Cycle – Acceptance

The seventh stage of  Dr. Jennifer Martin’s seven-stage iteration for chronic illness is “Acceptance.”  I can’t say the last stage because this is an iterative process. Before I can even get to acceptance on one issue, I have circled around…

My CRPS Grief Cycle – Reevaluation


The sixth  stage of  Dr. Jennifer Martin’s seven-stage iteration for chronic illness is “Re-evaluation.”   At this stage, I am ready to say “now what?”  What are the realistic options for my future?  How do I make the most of…

My CRPS Grief Cycle – Identity Crisis

Identity Crisis

The fifth stage of  Dr. Jennifer Martin’s seven-stage iteration for chronic illness is “Loss of Self and Confusion.”  I chose to label that box “Identity Crisis.” Does this disorder or illness change who we are?  No, but it may change…

My CRPS Grief Cycle – Anxiety

The fourth stage of  Dr. Jennifer Martin’s seven-stage iteration for chronic illness is Anxiety and Depression. Anxiety and Depression – what a combination! But when anger fades, this is what is left.  Anxiety is our fear of the future, and…