Tag Grief

My CRPS Grief Cycle – Identity Crisis

Identity Crisis

The fifth stage of  Dr. Jennifer Martin’s seven-stage iteration for chronic illness is “Loss of Self and Confusion.”  I chose to label that box “Identity Crisis.” Does this disorder or illness change who we are?  No, but it may change…

My CRPS Grief Cycle – Anxiety

The fourth stage of  Dr. Jennifer Martin’s seven-stage iteration for chronic illness is Anxiety and Depression. Anxiety and Depression – what a combination! But when anger fades, this is what is left.  Anxiety is our fear of the future, and…

My CRPS Grief Cycle – Anger


The third stage of  Dr. Jennifer Martin’s seven-stage iteration for chronic illness is Anger. What brings anger? The third stage, Anger, is caused by the what-ifs:  What if I had done something differently? What could I have done to prevent…

My CRPS Grief Cycle – Pleading!

Now on the to the second stage of Dr. Martins Chronic Illness Grief Cycle. (Dr. Jennifer Martin altered Elizabeth Kubler Ross’s original “5 Stages of Greif” to a seven stage iteration for chronic illness.) Dr. Martin calls the second stage,…

My CRPS Grief Cycle – Denial


As I deal with the grief of having CRPS for the second time, I see our entire world struggling with similar stages as we face the pandemic of COVID-19. Dr. Jennifer Martin altered Elizabeth Kubler Ross’s original “5 Stages of…