Tag Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome

My CRPS Grief Cycle – Anxiety

The fourth stage of  Dr. Jennifer Martin’s seven-stage iteration for chronic illness is Anxiety and Depression. Anxiety and Depression – what a combination! But when anger fades, this is what is left.  Anxiety is our fear of the future, and…

My CRPS Grief Cycle – Anger


The third stage of  Dr. Jennifer Martin’s seven-stage iteration for chronic illness is Anger. What brings anger? The third stage, Anger, is caused by the what-ifs:  What if I had done something differently? What could I have done to prevent…

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (#CRPS) Again!

September 2019 Before deciding to get my other knee replaced, I let my husband go through the process first.  We now had a new, younger surgeon, as my long-time surgeon had retired. The young surgeon explained new techniques in total…