Category Family Stories

Fish in Northampton County, PA in Colonial Times

In my earlier search for David Fish, Dee and I found records in the Monroe County Historical Society.  Later my husband and I went to the Northampton County Historical Society and then the Northampton County Archives.  In the time period…

A Thief in the Family Tree!

A thief in the family tree is not unexpected because most of the family is from Ireland and the Potato Famine was notorious for creating thieves out of starving people.  Little did I know that many of the American colonies…

Abner Fish in the War of 1812

Abner Fish is my 3rd-great-grandfather.  There are strong rumors around the internet about who his parents are but a significant lack of facts.  Bernd and I took a research class this past week in Washington, DC to learn how to…

Duffy Origins – Part 1

DNA is an evolving science that is affecting what we believe about history and mythology.  The testing of the “Y” chromosome is looking back to the origins of the paternal line. Another way of saying that is it traces back…